Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Braden makes his baby Jesus!

Ella paints baby Jesus!

Payton's painting!

Jacob works on his creche!

Caroline and Jacob work together!

Caroline works on her baby Jesus picture!

There's more than one way to make a cake!

Working on our fine motor skills by cutting paper!

Away in a manger no crib for a bed ...

The little Lord Jesus ....

Lay down His sweet head!

Braden works on his fruit loop ornament!

An ornament you can have for breakfast or hang!  The choice is yours!

Mrs. Amy and her sugarplums!

Payton dresses with holiday spirit!

That cake almost looks good enough to eat!

A candy cane was a special reward for all of their hard work!

Braden the Red Nosed Reindeer!

Mrs. Amy and her reindeer posse!

Checking out our Rudolph noses in the mirror!

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose!

Our 12 Days of Christmas song!

Eating our Happy Birthday Jesus cupcakes!

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Draws Nearer!

We had a wonderful week talking about Christmas traditions!  The children were eager to share the ones that they observe in their own homes.  We made art and read stories centering around universal Christmas traditions such as Santa, ornaments, gingerbread houses, and we sang some traditional Christmas songs.  I hope you enjoy your little one's singing "Santa Claus is Coming to Town", I asked them to sing LOUD and guess what?  They sang LOUD!  Christmas traditions certainly make the season special.
Caroline shows off her painted Santa hand!

Jacob gets ready to make his Santa hand!

Working on our "cookies for Santa" plates!

Ella shows off her peg creation!

Payton and Braden work hard at the pegs!

Caroline stamps letters and numbers!

The Santa cookie plates are ready for some yummy treats for good old St. Nicholas (we always give him a little bit of fruit too!)

Painting gingerbread houses!

Making our "C" is for candy pictures!

The kids earned a special treat of a sucker for doing so well at circle and working so hard on learning our Christmas songs!

Painting our surprises for Mom and Dad!

Holding our Santa faces!

Ella shares her Christmas traditions!

Caroline proudly shows her Advent calendar which is her favorite Christmas tradition!

Jacob tells about his family's traditions!

Braden shows the class his wonderful tradition wreath!

Visions of sugar plums danced in their heads ...

It looks good enough to eat .. (almost)!

The kids warn that you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, etc because Santa is watching!  I don't think these little Christmas angels have a thing to worry about!